
DFG Research Unit FOR 1543

Shear flow regulation of hemostasis -
Bridging the gap between nanomechanics and clinical presentation

New Research Group for blood clotting at the Ruhr-University

Scientists at the Ruhr-University in Bochum are involved in the new researchers group FOR1543 for blood clotting, which is financed by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) with 2,5 million € for initially three years. In collaboration with researchers from Germany and Austria, and in close cooperation with scientists from the US and China, as well as with partners from the industry, the scientists at the Ruhr-University wish to improve the diagnostics and the therapy of blood clotting, such as thrombosis and strokes.

On the Trail of Blood Clotting

The new research group titled “Shear Flow Regulation of Hemostasis-Bridging the Gap Between Nanomechanics and Clinical Presentation” (SHENC) is concerned with the Von-Willebrand-Factor (VWF), a key protein for hemostasis in the human body. If its function is impaired, heavy bleeding or thrombosis, followed by a heart attack or a stroke can be the consequence.

SRC="/imperia/md/images/pure/fittosize_654_0_e116627086c5895023c29d611f18801f_for_1543_vwf.png" TITLE="Der Von Willebrand Faktor (blau) ist der Mechanosensor der Blutgerinnung. Durch verletzungsbedingte Scherkräfte werden Bindestellen für Collagen (orange) und Thrombozyten (rot) exponiert, eine Vernetzung stoppt die Blutung." ALT="" hspace="5" border="0">

Der Von Willebrand Faktor (blau) ist der Mechanosensor der Blutgerinnung. Durch verletzungsbedingte Scherkräfte werden Bindestellen für Collagen (orange) und Thrombozyten (rot) exponiert, eine Vernetzung stoppt die Blutung.

Structural Plasticity of the Von Willebrand Factor, the mechanosensor of the primray hemostasis


Prof. Dr. Klaus Gerwert
Tel. +49 (0) 234-32-24461

Dr. Julian Ollesch
Tel. +49 (0) 234-32-29832

Further Information